Appliance Parts
How to Fix A Leaking Washer

by Steve Ash
Washers will also have internal hoses that connect the inlet valve to the tub. A defect in this hose would create a leak during the fill cycle. Access the tub inlet by lifting the main top or removing the cabinet and inspect the hoses for signs of abrasion or cracking. Also inspect the other components of the water inlet system such as a siphon break or tub injection assembly for signs of a leak. Some front load washers will inject water into the tub through the detergent dispenser and this area will need to be inspected if the leak occurs during the fill portion of the cycle. If the leak occurs during the wash portion of the cycle then the tub to drain pump hose may be the problem. Check for loose or corroded clamps, and cracked or perforated hoses. Removal of the front or rear panels will be required to access this area and some models may require removing the complete cabinet.
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If the tube has a leak, there may not be enough pressure to activate the switch and the washer may overfill and leak. If the switch is defective it may also cause the machine to overfill and leak. To determine if the switch is bad, you should first eliminate the air dome hose as a problem. Look for signs of cracks or worn areas on the hose. Remove the hose and submerge in water. Seal one end and blow air into the other end and look for bubbles. Check for an obstruction in the hose as well. If the air dome hose appears to be ok, then the water level switch may be defective. Remove power from the appliance before attempting service.
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