How to Fix a Trash Compactor Drawer That Will Not Open or Won't Stay Closed

Drawer Roller
If your trash compactor drawer will not open, there may be an issue with one or more of the drawer rollers. On most trash compactors, the drawer uses rollers to slide open and closed. These rollers can be warped or simply lack lubrication to slide the drawer open easily. To check the rear drawer rollers, lift the drawer out of its opening and check for damage or apply grease if necessary. The drawer front rollers are normally attached to the cabinet. If you need to replace a front roller, shut off the power source to the compactor and remove the unit from the cabinets. Use a socket to remove the hex nuts holding the drawer frame in place. This repair may involve removing the leveling legs from the unit in order to access the roller nuts. When reassembling the unit, make sure there is nothing blocking the drawer or rollers, and that they are well lubricated.
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- Takes 15 - 30 mins

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Foot Pedal
If your trash compactor drawer is hard to open or will not open, the issue could be with the foot pedal. The pedal works with the drawer catch to release the drawer from its frame. To troubleshoot the foot pedal, pull the drawer out fully and visually inspect the pedal mounting screws to make sure they are tightened properly. Keep an eye out for any other damage to the foot pedal.
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- Customers rate this repair as Really Easy

- Takes 15 - 30 mins

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