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Replacing your Maytag Dishwasher Dishwasher Door Handle And Latch Assembly with Switch

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Walter from Tucson, AZ
Difficulty Level:Really Easy
Total Repair Time:Less than 15 mins
Tools:Screw drivers
Philip from Carlsbad, CA
Difficulty Level:Easy
Total Repair Time:15 - 30 mins
Tools:Pliers, Screw drivers
Dave from Livonia, MI
Difficulty Level:Really Easy
Total Repair Time:Less than 15 mins
Nick from Greenwood, IN
Difficulty Level:Easy
Total Repair Time:15 - 30 mins
jeff from strongsville, OH
Difficulty Level:Really Easy
Total Repair Time:Less than 15 mins
So, first, make super sure all power is disconnected. Then take the torx and remove all the screws on interior front cover - the top center two actually hold the latch assembly and handle. Once all are removed, I propped the cover up and left all wiring connected. I removed the switches connected to the old latch assembly and just removed the new switches from the new latch assembly, and popped the old ones onto the new latch assembly. Now have new switches if the old ones ever wear out.
The latch assembly just pops out from what should be two sets of plastic peg clips molded into the black control panel back. Mine were busted on one side. So I molded some jb weld on the remaining sides to the pegs on the latch assembly and then screwed all back together (the controls on the panel are fine, not spending $85 if I can get away with sticking it...and the upper center two screws do the most of the holding anyway).
Works great again. I really am ultra impressed with the HUGE difference in reinforcement that the new handle has. If Maytag would have built it that way to begin with, should not have broke. Anyway, if you are here just checking to see if you can do and how much parts are, place the order - it is no problem and cheap, and will probably never give up and break again.
Dennis from Austin, TX
Difficulty Level:Easy
Total Repair Time:15 - 30 mins
Here are the steps for repair.
1) Turned off power to dishwasher.
2) Removed all the screws on the inside of the door then shifted the panel over so I could get to the top.
3) The bottom of the latch assembly attaches to the control panel with two flimsy plastic notches and at the top with two of the screws that hold that back panel in place. (For me, I found that those flimsy notches had broken. I was concerned that I would have to buy a whole new control panel which was ~175.00 dollars. Yikes! Luckily the two screws at the top and the door panel behind it seem to be holding it in place.)
4) There are two pairs of metal prongs that plug into a white connectors on either side of the latch assembly. I had to use pliers to pinch the metal prongs together while wiggling the connector get it unplugged. This was the hardest part. (It would have been easier to just reuse the same metal plugs. Someone else did that and it seemed to work.) Be sure to note which side of the latch assemply the two connectors was plugged in to.
5) Plug the 2 white connectors to the new latch assembly.
6) Lay the latch assembly in place on the door.
7) Put the back panel down over it and screw it in place.
8) Turn on power.
Works perfectly!
Wendy from W Melbourne, FL
Difficulty Level:Easy
Total Repair Time:Less than 15 mins
Tools:Pliers, Screw drivers
Richard from Bridgewater, NJ
Difficulty Level:A Bit Difficult
Total Repair Time:15 - 30 mins
Tools:Nutdriver, Screw drivers, Socket set
Scott from Ringgold, GA
Difficulty Level:Really Easy
Total Repair Time:Less than 15 mins
Tools:Screw drivers
I shut off elecricity to the dishwasher, opened the door and removed the 11 torx T-20 screws. The inner panel lifts up and I then unplugged the electrical connector at the soap dispenser, unplugged the 2 connectors at the latch assembly contact switches (remember which is which). The inner panel can be removed and set aside. These connectors are tight coming off, so use care and maybe some Channel locks to wiggle them loose. If your changing the control panel, remove the cover over the circuit board, a ribbon connector goes into this and has a sliding collar, slide up to loosen and remove the ribbon, fully insert the new ribbon and slide back down to tighten.
I used a 1/4 inch nut driver to remove the screws holding the panel. The latch assembly with handle attached snaps into brackets on the panel, re-install the control panel, routing the ribbon cable carefully. Replace the cover over the electronics, plug all the elecrical connections back in, replace the torx screws. Turn on the power. The new parts seem much better than the original.
Dennis from San Marcos, CA
Difficulty Level:Easy
Total Repair Time:15 - 30 mins
Tools:Nutdriver, Pliers
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Manufacturer Part Number: WPW10130695

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